Shifting to a low carbon transport system
Shift, Sustainable Horizons for Future Transport, is exploring the possibilities of creating an energy efficient Nordic transport system. The results from the program should help policy makers make informed decisions regarding more efficient long-haul freight and smarter mobility.
The emissions of carbon dioxide from the transport sector are one of the biggest obstacles for achieving our climate targets. There are however positive signs. Advancement in technology and new business models and social norms are evolving. Shipping companies are interested in the benefits of multi-modal solutions, as well as new technologies, in order to improve efficiency while at the same time reducing costs and emissions.
Long-haul freight and passenger transport in the cities are in focus for the Shift program, where scenario modelling and econometric analysis will serve as the basis for the results. The research will be communicated primarily to Nordic decision makers and authorities that have influence over energy policies and transport conversions.
In addition to IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute researchers from the Technical University of Denmark, the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) and Viktoria Swedish ICT are involved, as well as industry stakeholders and policy makers. The project is funded by Nordic Energy Research.