European neighbourhood network supports climate change adaptation
The EU Multiply project will help municipalities play a more active role in Europe’s climate change adaption.
The EU Multiply project will help municipalities play a more active role in Europe’s climate change adaption.
Multiply (which stands for Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level) aims to create a network that will pair municipalities in six European countries: Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Italy and Austria.
The aim is to find municipalities that have worked with energy efficiency, mobility and land use in developing districts or smaller towns. As forerunners, they will share their experiences with other municipalities in the network who wish to learn more. The network will make visible and increase the implementation of sector-wide urban planning that benefits climate adaption in both new and existing districts.
Two districts in each country will be selected as forerunners, plus one that will receive an honorary award for communication efforts or participatory processes. In each country, a number of districts that wish to learn more about climate change planning will be selected, and thus become part of the Multiply network.
The network exchange, which will comprise a total of 42 municipalities in Europe, aims to increase the capacity of municipal politicians and officials to effectively plan, finance, communicate and implement integrated planning for energy, mobility and land use. This will enable multiple cities to develop integrated energy plans for efficient climate change adaption within districts.
Project facts
- Multiply – Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level
- Financed by: EU Horizon 2020, grant agreement number: 785 088
- Coordinator: DUH (Deutsche Umwelthilfe EV)
- Partners: IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Legambiente, POSAD, Klimabundnis Österreich (CAA), Energiaklub, Polish Energy Cities (PNEC)
- Period: 2018 - 2021
Jeanette GreenGruppchef Affärsutveckling och kommersialisering