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  3. EUA-BCA   Stakeholder Analysis Report

EUA-BCA   Stakeholder Analysis Report

This report is a part of the EUA-BCA final deliverables series including several reports and digital products in support of policy actions and increasing international cooperation with the target of reducing negative impacts from BC emissions in the Arctic. The present stakeholder analysis makes certain conclusions about stakeholder importance in further effort coordination.


The stakeholder analysis was done to identify which stakeholders would be important in the process to Increase coordination of Arctic black carbon policies and to some extent to Facilitate early emission reductions of black carbon affecting the Arctic. The analysis included 95 Arctic-relevant stakeholders, categorised in six groups: Intergovernmental organisations, National authorities, Indigenous people’s organisations, Expert and working groups, Non-governmental organisations, and Industry. 

 The analysis supporting the results above was made by quantitatively ranking each stakeholder over three dimensions: Power, Interest, and Network capacity. The stakeholder analysis indicates that there are some stakeholders that appear more important to include in the process to increase coordination of Arctic black carbon policies and to facilitate early emission reduction of black carbon affecting the Arctic.