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  3. [2020-05-07] Möbelfakta now an independent labelling system with IVL as principal owner
Pressrelease | 2020-05-07
Furniture in a room

Photo: Johansson Design

Möbelfakta now an independent labelling system with IVL as principal owner

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is now majority owner of the Möbelfakta labelling system previously owned by the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry (TMF). IVL will drive and develop the system to meet public procurement requirements and promote growth internationally but will continue to maintain close cooperation with the wood and furniture industry that remains part-owner.

"When it comes to procurement, Möbelfakta has played an important role in guaranteeing requirements for sustainable and cost-effective furniture manufacture. Under the aegis of an independent player such as IVL, the system can expand significantly and continue to develop based on scientific principles while simultaneously operating practically in the market. Climate and circularity issues will be important in the future and this is where IVL´s competence can be brought to bear," says Anna Jarnehammar, Business Development Manager at IVL.

Möbelfakta is a reference and labelling system aimed at manufacturers, buyers, designers, architects and other players in the furniture industry. The system addresses three aspects; quality, environment and social responsibility, and thus covers a wide gamut of social, technical, environmental and production ethical requirements. It can also be used as a guide for different types of procurement.

"While Möbelfakta is an important quality guarantee for the industry, it is important for the credibility of the system that the continued development takes place under the aegis of an independent organization that satisfies all public procurement requirements," says CEO David Johnsson, and continues; "In IVL we have found the ideal partner and we are very pleased to have ensured the best possible future for Möbelfakta at the same time as the industry will continue to have influence over the system."

In the coming year, several projects designed to further develop the system will be launched. This is partly about meeting the requirements of eco-labelling systems in public procurement, but also about harmonizing Möbelfakta in an international context where Norway and other European countries are important markets for furniture companies.

Johan Söderqvist has been appointed new Möbelfakta CEO, he comes from the construction industry where he has tackled sustainability issues at building materials companies.

"I look forward to being part of and developing Möbelfakta. The new system will leverage potential for increasing furniture labelling and broadening the labelling. The goal is for Möbelfakta to become the leading furniture label in the Nordic countries and a firmly established label across Europe," says Johan Söderqvist.

Möbelfakta currently serves almost 60 active companies with over 1000 products and furniture series. Focus is principally on furniture used in public environments, but even brands geared towards private consumers use Möbelfakta labelling for their products. At IVL, Möbelfakta will have access to the broad expertise we command across the environmental field as well as to the Basta and EPD International subsidiaries, which focus on chemical issues and climate declarations. The business will be non-profit but generate a surplus to ensure the long-term development of the system. A criteria council has also been established that will constitute a resource for external analysis of how trends in labelling develop and communicate relevant and current requirements essential for labelling systems.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Söderqvist, johan.soderqvist@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 69 44
Anna Jarnehammar, anna.jarnehammar@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 76
David Johnsson, CEO TMF, david.johnsson@tmf.se, +46 (0)705-97 72 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is an independent research institute with Sweden's broadest environmental profile. We are around 350 environmental experts and operate in Sweden, China and India. Together with the business community, the authorities and the research world, we drive the transition to a sustainable society. The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry – (TMF) is the industry and employers' organization for companies operating in the wood processing industry. Among the approximately 700 members are companies that produce windows, doors, floors, wooden houses, building joinery, furniture, kitchens, interior joinery and stairs and wooden components. The industry has sales of SEK 70 billion and employs almost 30,000 people. www.tmf.se