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  3. [2024-01-18] New report analyses how negative emissions can help meet Paris Agreement targets
News | 2024-01-18
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New report analyses how negative emissions can help meet Paris Agreement targets

A new report commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency analyses how removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, known as negative emissions, can help in achieving the long-term temperature targets of the Paris Agreement. Among other things, the report analyses the risks associated with negative emissions, such as delaying the phase-out of fossil fuels, and how these risks can be managed.

Kenneth Möllersten, researcher at IVL

"Achieving the long-term temperature target of the Paris Agreement requires first and foremost rapid and radical emissions reductions. After that, the remaining difficult-to-manage greenhouse gas emissions need to be balanced with negative emissions, in order for us to achieve net zero emissions and eventually net negative emissions", says Kenneth Möllersten, researcher at IVL and co-author of the report.

Balancing the carbon budget and reversing the climate overshoot (i.e. the temporary overrun of the 1.5 °C threshold) will require net negative emissions globally, according to the researchers.

The report analyses best practices for using the cooperation instruments referred to in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, whereby countries can receive credits for emission reductions in other countries, and activities that can contribute to negative emissions. The authors of the report have also examined the future role of international negative emissions trading in meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement.

"There are risks associated with negative emissions, including delays in phasing out fossil fuels, re-emission of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere, leakage effects and challenges related to measurement and verification. In the report, we analyse and propose ways to manage these risks", says Kenneth Möllersten.

The authors note that current policies are still focused on achieving net-zero emissions, and emphasize the importance of immediately assigning responsibility for offsetting an excess emissions budget, in order to create realistic conditions for a global economy with net-negative emissions in the long term.

Download the report: "The role of carbon dioxide removal in contributing to the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement" External link, opens in new window.

For more information, contact:
Kenneth Möllersten, kenneth.mollersten@ivl.se, tel. +46 (0)10-788 68 79