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  3. [2021-06-29] Participates in new working group on climate impact from consumption
News | 2021-06-29
Lars Zetterberg

Participates in new working group on climate impact from consumption

IVL's employee Lars Zetterberg participates in the Environmental Objectives Committee's new working group that will develop goals and strategies for how Sweden can reduce the climate impact from consumption. The committee will, among other things, propose milestones for aviation's climate impact and see how the climate policy framework can have an impact on public procurement.

– It feels great, these are important issues and it feels fun to be involved and influence the proposals that are produced. We have reduced emissions in Sweden, but if you include what is outside the country's borders, we have not gotten much better, says Lars Zetterberg, who, among other things, leads the interdisciplinary research program Mistra Carbon Exit at IVL.

The Environmental Objectives Committee assists the Government with the national environmental objectives and provides a basis for how to strategically develop them and how the objectives are to be achieved. In October 2020, the Environmental Objectives Committee was given an additional assignment to propose an overall strategy for reducing the climate impact from consumption.

To reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to the extent that we in Sweden have at our disposal, reduced emissions from Swedish consumption are an important step.

– In what Sweden reports to the climate convention, as a rule only the emissions that occur in Sweden are included. This means that emissions related to imported consumer goods are not included. These are fairly large emissions that in this way are not included in the Swedish environmental goals, where we have moved the emissions abroad, says Lars Zetterberg.

The Environmental Objectives Committee must therefore, based on a broad analysis, prepare the question of targets and sub-targets for consumption-based climate-affecting emissions. It will also propose milestones for the climate impact of aviation and review the possibility of milestones for the climate impact of shipping. The committee will also review how the climate policy framework can have an impact on public procurement, with a focus on procurements with a major climate impact, as well as on cost-effectiveness and socio-economic efficiency.

The additional assignment will formulate a strategy for the environmental goals, which will be finalized in January 2022.

Read more on the government's page. External link, opens in new window.

For more information, please contact:
Lars Zetterberg, lars.zetterberg@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 57