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  3. [2020-11-09] Baltic Sea cooperation will increase knowledge about PFAS in wastewater
News | 2020-11-09

Baltic Sea cooperation will increase knowledge about PFAS in wastewater

IVL, with the support of Swedish Institute has initiated a project that aim to increase knowledge about PFAS in waste stream, and how we can reduce emissions to the Baltic Sea. University and research institutes from Baltic Sea regions are project partners.

PFAS is a group of chemicals used commonly in products such as in fire extinguishers, packaging materials and textiles, which has made our lives convenient. However, due to its resistant characteristics, PFAS accumulate in the nature and transfer into organisms which can further cause serious health issues to human beings.

– Compared to the widely studied issues of PFAS in groundwater and drinking water, the waste stream needs more attention, as it is directly related to the water quality in our seas and lakes. PFAS pollution in the aquatic environment can be reduced with improved sewage and sludge management, but the knowledge levels in the countries around Baltic Sea vary, says Jing-jing Yang at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

Zero PFAS has collaboration with Aarhus University in Denmark, Gdansk University of Technology in Poland, Riga University of Technology in Latvia, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU.

The project will build a research network in the Baltic Sea Region, and open to everyone to join who are interested.

– We will hold three open seminars focusing on how we can develop and adapt technologies to minimize PFAS in waste stream. The countries that are ahead in the researches will share their knowledge so we can work together to improve the water quality in the Baltic Sea. We hope the three seminar-series will build up the knowledge required by the stakeholders to take the issue further to make concrete remediation actions in the near future, says Mayumi Narongin-Fujikawa at IVL.

The first seminar is planned on 26th November. Registration is free of charge, webinar is in English. You find the program and registration link here:

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