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  3. [2020-10-07] Launch of an international innovation competition: Zero Microplastics Challenge
News | 2020-10-07
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Launch of an international innovation competition: Zero Microplastics Challenge

Do you have a technical device, filter or other innovative solution, that reduces the emissions of microplastics from textile washing? Then we want to encourage you to participate in the international innovation competition Zero Microplastics Challenge 2020 which is arranged by RISE and IVL on behalf of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

The presence of microplastics in the marine environment has gained increased attention in recent years. The primary source of microplastics from the textile sector in Sweden is the washing and wear of synthetic fibers.

"Even though the problem was acknowledged many years ago, microplastics are still washed from our washing machines, reaching the oceans – where marine mammals perceive it as food. Eliminating microplastics from our sewage is a high priority, but development of regulation is slow and takes time to implement. With this contest, we hope to accelerate the development and bring new solutions to market," says Sara Sköld, project manager at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The challenge is aimed directly at both established players in textile laundry industry and also various players that can contribute with innovative ideas and concepts such as startups.

Submission of your Solution: Please click here to get to the form External link, opens in new window.

Rules of the Challenge: Please click here to get to the Rules of the challenge External link, opens in new window.

For more information, please contact:
Sara Sköld, sara.skold@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 68 02
Johan Östling, project manager RISE, johan.ostling@ri.se, +46 (0)73-327 76 62