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  3. [2017-02-20] Decisive action for better water with the help of unique EU project
News | 2017-02-20

Decisive action for better water with the help of unique EU project

IVL is engaged in Sweden’s first LIFE IP project. The goal of the Rich Waters project is among other things to reduce the impact of nutrients and pollutants, create free migration routes for fish and streamline municipal water planning.

The LIFE Programme is the European Union ’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action, and IP stands for integrated projects designed to support the implementation of the EU environmental directives. LIFE IP Rich Waters, which starts in January 2017 and runs over seven years, will up the pace and help implement the action programme for water. It will create wetlands, build fish migration routes past dams and clean stormwater. In addition to these specific measures it will disseminate knowledge about water processes and support the development of water technologies. It will ensure that when it comes to agricultural practices the right measure is implemented in the right place, that less phosphorus is released from lake sediments, and it will inform about the presence of toxic pollutants. Researchers from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute are involved in two work packages where they will study innovative methods for measuring stormwater and develop a tool for modelling actions to prevent phosphorus from leaching into lakes. – This is an exciting programme that will lead to concrete measures being taken to improve the aquatic environment of Swedish lakes, and we are very much looking forward to making a contribution, says Mikael Malmaeus. The County Administrative Board in Västmanland, where the Water Authority for the Northern Baltic Sea is located, will act as coordinator. The project consists of 35 participating partners that represent a breadth of organizations at national, regional, municipal and local levels, municipalities, companies, universities and water conservation organizations. Direct any questions you may have to: Mikael Malmaeus, mikael.malmaeus@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 80 Stephan Valley, stephan.valley@ivl.se, +46 (0)10-788 65 40