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  3. [2016-02-18] Sheba BONUS programme to become flagship research project
News | 2016-02-18

Sheba BONUS programme to become flagship research project

The IVL-coordinated BONUS Sheba Project has been designated flagship project within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and will thus achieve wider policy impact.

The three-year Sheba project (Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region) will study how the environment in and around the Baltic Sea is affected by substantial increases in shipping. A total of eleven groups and some 40 researchers from institutes and universities in all Baltic Sea countries are involved. Jana Moldanová at IVL is the project manager. Formal designation as flagship project will enable Sheba to channel expertise directly to the EU Clean Shipping policy area, and to reach a greater number of major decision-makers in the Baltic region. – Maritime transport is expected to increase significantly in the Baltic area, which means that the findings of the project will be of interest to many stakeholders. The resulting research may also have significance for growth in the region, says Jana Moldanová. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute coordinates a major work package that targets a range of maritime scenarios in light of various degrees of transport intensity, new fuels, new technology and new legislation. The Baltic Sea Region Programme BONUS is a major comprehensive research program intended to promote the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea.