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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

  • | pressrelease
    Innovation and sustainable development in focus for new research collaboration in India
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the Indian research institute NEERI are establishing a strategic collaboration to drive innovation and increase research collaboration in several important environmental areas. A Memorandum of Understanding between the parties was signed during a ceremony held in Nagpur on 18 October.
  • | news
    Media reporting affects the cities' conversion from biogas to electricity
    Biogas production and use may be displaced or reduced as public transportation systems electrify. The portrayal of biogas and electrification systems in various media, research reports, and public debate contributes largely to current decision making, which can have important implications for regional systems. A recent study by researchers at IVL and Lund University highlight the role of these narratives and the potential implications they have on regional development.
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    IVL assesses the environmental footprint of biodegradable plastic bags in China
    Under the pressure of serious environmental pollution, many major cities in China have started to promote the use of biodegradable plastic shopping bags. In Guangzhou the company Hairma's products have been put into use. In a new project, IVL has been commissioned to evaluate the environmental footprint of Hairma’s products’ materials and explore other possibilities in reducing the products’ carbon emissions.