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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

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    Damaged wood can become raw material for clothing
    Wood damaged by the spruce bark beetle could be new raw material for clothes. This is the aim for a project within the research program Mistra SafeChem.
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    New report shows continued problems with acidification and eutrophication in southern Sweden
    Despite reduced emissions of air pollutants, acidification continues to be a problem, especially in the southern parts of Sweden. This is shown by the latest report from Krondroppsnätet's monitoring of forests and land. Measurements from 2020 show a probable effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, where society's shutdowns appear to have reduced sulfur and nitrogen levels by between 15 and 40 percent compared with previous years.
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    Purifies the E4 road stormwater from microplastics
    Large amounts of rubber, asphalt and other types of microplastics and micro-debris accompany the stormwater runoff from the busy E4 highway at Sundsvallsbron, Sweden's third longest bridge. In a unique study, researchers at Luleå University of Technology together with IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute investigated how effective a stormwater treatment plant is at cleaning microplastics from one of Sweden's busiest roads. The results are promising.
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    Requirements for climate declarations for buildings
    Last week, the parliament said yes to the Government's proposal for a climate declaration for buildings. The new law takes effect at this years end and applies to newly produced buildings. IVL has, on behalf of the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, produced the climate database that will be used to meet the legal requirement. IVL's tool Byggsektorns Miljöberäkningsverktyg, BM (In English: the construction sector's Environmental Calculation Tool) can be used to produce such climate declarations and for other purposes.