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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

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    1,000 environmental product declarations now registered
    There is a growing need for information describing the impact that goods and services have on the environment. This is made clear by the rapid rise in the number of registrations in the international EPD system. This autumn the programme, run by a subsidiary of the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, has registered a thousand environmental declarations. The biggest increase is in construction products.
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    Inauguration of pilot plant for Stockholm’s future water treatment solutions
    In a few years’ time, the world's biggest sewage treatment plant based on membrane technology will open in Stockholm. The projected facility will substantially increase the rapidly expanding city’s sewage treatment capacity, and simultaneously cut back on the discharge of eutrophic substances into the Baltic Sea. Last Wednesday the completed pilot plant was inaugurated at IVL’s Hammarby Sjöstadsverk research centre.
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    New report targets nanomaterials in the work environment
    During the last decade, the use of nanomaterials has become widespread in a wide range of applications, they are ubiquitous in medicine, cosmetics, building materials and other industrial products. But the health risks associated with many nanomaterials are still poorly understood. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has published a report describing how to address nanoparticle risk assessment issues and prevent hazardous human exposure.
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    Environmental technology companies need lengthier support if they are to grow
    A new study from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute indicates that it takes more than five years for the average Swedish environmental technology company to reach the expansion phase. For the most successful companies a clear growth phase begins around the ninth year of operation. This means that today’s investment aid given to start-ups is not enough to bridge the gap from start to when the fledgling business starts to grow.
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    Gotland to be platform for developing innovative smart solutions to reduce water shortages
    For some years Gotland has suffered from a scarcity of drinking water. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, together with Region Gotland, has been awarded funding from Sweden’s Innovation Authority Vinnova to build a testbed platform at Storsudret on the island of Gotland. The facility will develop and test a variety of sustainable technologies and systems for supplying water.