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  5. Safer working environment for construction work environment coordinators
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Safer working environment for construction work environment coordinators

There are often many different occupational groups on construction sites and the work environment is complex. For the past ten years, the Swedish Work Environment Authority has been demanding that special coordinators be responsible for the work environment when planning and carrying out the work. Researchers at IVL will evaluate these roles to increase understanding of how a functioning work environment work can contribute to reducing the risk of incidents and injuries.

The construction industry is one of the industries where most occupational injuries are reported. Factors that contribute to the complexity of the work environment are that many participants are involved, that workplaces are constantly changing and that there are often long chains of entrepreneurs and sub entrepreneurs who only work temporarily in the workplace. The work environment risks are also complex in themselves, such as working with chemicals, exposure to different types of dust and ergonomic risks.

In order to strengthen work environment work, there have been legal requirements for ten years for there to be special work environment coordinators, BAS-P and BAS-U, who are responsible for the work environment when planning and carrying out the work on construction sites. Now it is interesting to investigate how these roles work.

In the project, these roles are mapped and evaluated from a so-called MTO perspective, the interaction between people, technology and organization. Data will be collected, among other things, through a survey, interviews and visits to workplaces.

The project's long-term purpose is to identify obstacles and opportunities for BAS-P and BAS-U to contribute to a functioning work environment work and propose improvements so that occupational injuries and serious incidents can be prevented effectively and reduced. Results and proposals will then be discussed with representatives of relevant players in the construction industry.

The project will result in solid advice and recommendations for how to enable a good working environment in the construction industry with the help of the work environment coordinators.

Project facts

  • Ten years with Bas-P and Bas-U - how can their efficiency increase and the construction work environment become safer?
  • Budget: 3,490 MSEK
  • Financed: AFA Försäkring
  • Period: 2019 - 2021