Better working environment for hairdressers
The project Hairdresser's work environment guide has been created to give hairdressers more knowledge about their own work environment, to help reduce work-related injuries and ill health.
The hairdressing industry consists largely of small and sole proprietors with, in some cases, limited knowledge of the work environment and small resources to be able to work with work environment issues and stay informed about, among other things, new rules. To reduce the risk of work-related injuries and ill health, it is important to know what risks there are and how the work can be planned and carried out as safely as possible.
The guide that has been produced is presented in the form of a website. The website contains concrete tips and advice for professional hairdressers and provides guidance through text, images and film with a focus on, among other things, the salon's design, ventilation, work techniques and health risks. There is also educational material that teachers in high schools can use in the teaching of future hairdressers.
IVL's role has been, among other things, to acquire industry knowledge about the work environment in the profession and compile research-based knowledge and then rework it into an easily accessible material. In that work, various arenas where hairdressers seem to have been identified in order to be able to use existing networks and information channels. This is so that knowledge can be disseminated in such a way that it becomes useful and can be implemented in the form of preventive measures in the workplace. The target group for the guide is managers, safety representatives and hairdressers, but also teachers and students at hairdressing high schools.
The project is financed by AFA Insurance and is a collaboration between IVL Swedish Environmental Institute and Prevent. The development has been done in consultation with a reference group with representatives from the Hairdressing Companies and the Trade Employees' Union.
The guide and training material can be found in the link below. The website is hosted by the non-profit organization Prevent.
Project facts
- The hairdresser's work environment guide - better work environment for hairdressers
- Financier: AFA Försäkring
- Partners: Prevent, Frisörföretagen, Handelsanställdas förbund
- Period: 2017 - 2021