Multi Filling stations
The project aims to assess the potential for using existing biogas infrastructure to enable expanded hydrogen establishment in the transport sector. Despite significant hydrogen use in various industrial sectors, the use of hydrogen in transport applications has so far been very limited. On the other hand, the theoretical potential for hydrogen in road transport is very high. The challenge is to reduce the cost of hydrogen to the end customer and at the same time establish a nationwide network of refuelling stations.
The project aims to use existing biogas infrastructure to enable expanded hydrogen establishment by incorporating the concept as a case at a given location in Sweden for the implementation of hydrogen at an LBG/CBG filling station.
Hydrogen filling stations are often not profitable due to high investment-, operating- and maintenance costs and low turnover volumes. Costs can be reduced by scaling up, but this requires higher sales volumes than today. One option is to use existing infrastructure (production, distribution and refuelling station) for other hydrogen-containing fuels (e.g. methane) because biogas has already undergone the development that hydrogen is now facing and instead reforming the biogas to hydrogen at the filling station. The advantages should be that investments for the distribution of hydrogen are avoided, hydrogen filling stations can exist, although demand for hydrogen is low at the beginning and that the use, CO2 benefit and energy efficiency of biogas are increasing.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute leads and coordinates the project in close cooperation with partners involved in production, distribution and end-use of hydrogen and biogas.
Project facts
- Multi filling stations/Multitankstationer
- Budget: 2,8 MSEK for the feasibility study. Estimated budget for an operational Multi-Filling station is 2-4 MEUR per station depending on the capacity of the station
- Samarbetspartners: CIT, IVL, Neste, Nilsson Energy, Volvo AB, E.ON Biofor, Borlänge Energi, Metacon, Sandviken Pure Power, Powercell, Gasum, Trollhättan Energi, Processkontroll
- Period: 2020 - 2021