Kollakoll works for better travel opportunities in the countryside
How should public transport in rural areas be improved? Can collaboration with services such as carpooling provide better opportunities to travel? This is being investigated by the Kollakoll project.
New transport solutions are needed to meet the climate challenge of road traffic. But the studies that have been done so far are based on the city's conditions. Instead, starting from the countryside, where most people are dependent on cars and insufficient public transport, requires a different way of thinking.
Rural families usually have several cars to cope with everyday life. Can more people use them for carpooling, for example? Accessibility for those who do not drive themselves, such as children and the elderly, needs to be improved. They are handed over to public transport, the transport service or to be transported.
Kollakoll is the short name for the project Collaborative public transport for living countryside. It will develop and test collaboration between public transport and private, collaborative services, such as car sharing in rural areas. But it must also investigate what other services are in demand, for example renting or borrowing the neighbor's car or traveling with the school taxi even though you are retired.
Kollakoll will study new forms of collaboration for travel in rural areas, if it is possible to coordinate private and public participants and see what climate effects they give.
The project will work with these basic challenges:
- Increase the opportunity for rural people to travel
- Create more cost-effective public transport in rural areas and increase its market share
- Develop new mobility solutions in rural areas
- Develop a business model for collaboration between public transport and collaborative passenger transport
IVL leads the work that takes place in collaboration with researchers, public transport companies, public participants and organizations that work with carpooling and other travel and transport services.
Project facts
- Kollakoll
- Budget: 4,2 MSEK
- Financier: Vinnova
- Partners: Broddetorpsortens intresseförening, Blekingetrafiken, Dalatrafik, Freelway, Gävleborgs läns landsting, Karlskrona kommun, Karlstads universitet.
- Period: 2018 - 2021