Uses4Heat – seasonal storage in future district heating systems
Uses4Heat is a project funded by the EU's research and innovation program Horizon Europe. It aims to demonstrate how seasonal storage for waste heat from different sources can be implemented.
Half of the EU's energy use goes to heating and cooling of buildings. The share of fossil fuels for this energy supply is high. In 2016, district heating was identified as an essential sector for Europe's energy transition in the EU's strategy for heating and cooling. Today's district heating solutions are based on the combustion of different fuels (gas, coal, peat, biomass), whereas future solutions are renewable (solar, geothermal, waste heat).
Uses4Heat shows how new heat sources can be integrated and used in district heating systems through seasonal storage. The project includes two demonstration cases: aquifer storage linked to the pulp and paper industry in Italy and borehole storage linked to waste heat from data centres and CHP in Norway.
Developing business models
In the project, IVL works on business model innovations linked to the demo sites, as well as on identifying and developing the results that can be taken to market after the project's completion. IVL also conducts a life cycle analysis to determine the social and environmental impact of the USES4HEAT solutions.
The project will be delivered by a consortium of 26 partners from eight countries.
Read more: Smart business models are the key to large-scale recycling of waste heat

Funded by the European Union. This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.
Project facts
- Project name: Underground Large Scale Seasonal Energy Storage for Decarbonized and Reliable Heat (Uses4Heat)
- Budget: 9,6 million Euro
- Funding: The European Union through the Horizon Europe programme.
- Partners: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Università degli Studi di Genova, Fundación CARTIF, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Chalmers University of Technology, Haflsund Oslo Celsio, Hallingplast AS, Bengt Dahlgren Stockholm Geo AB, Absolicon Solar Collector AB, Cartiere del Garda S.p.A, Alto Garda Servizi S.p.A., Alto Garda Power S.r.l, HiRef S.p.A., Energenius S.r.l., HYDRA S.r.l., Endef Engineering, Euroheat & Power AISBL, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Hrvatska Elektroprivreda Dionicko Drustvo, Yugoiztochnoevropeyska Tehnologichna Kompania Ood, Aquatonic Ltd., Smart Sustainable Social Innovations Single Member P.C, Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis, Dimotiki Epicheirisi Ydrefsis Kai Apochetefsis Kozanis, Kvarnholmen Utveckling AB, Veolia.
- Period: 2023 - 2027