Waste heat recovery from data centers
The Thunder project aims to revolutionize waste heat recovery from data centers by developing an innovative, efficient and cost-effective seasonal thermal storage system based on thermochemical materials.
The Thunder project (THermochemical storage Utilization eNabling Data centre seasonal Energy Recovery) aims to overcome barriers to waste heat recovery from data centers by providing an innovative, efficient, and cost-effective seasonal thermal storage system based on thermochemical materials. The project, which runs from January 2024 to January 2028, will validate its solutions at a demonstration site in Varna, Bulgaria, where waste heat recovery from data centers is not widely practised.
THUNDER's solutions involve data center innovative storage providers, heat pump manufacturers, and district energy company operators. The project will conduct a replicability assessment and prefeasibility analysis in 10 additional demonstration sites across Europe. Co-design and training workshops will be organized at these sites to promote stakeholder engagement and social awareness, helping to unlock barriers and facilitate the replication of THUNDER's solutions.
The project's innovative approach to waste heat recovery from data centers has the potential to significantly reduce the energy consumption and environmental impact of these facilities, which are expected to account for 98.5 TWh/year in Europe by 2030.
Developing business models and exploitation activities
IVL's role in the project involves developing a business model concept for the demonstration site and identifying and refining the project's marketable results for commercialization upon its completion. IVL leads the exploitation activities, supporting partners in identifying and developing Key Exploitable Results (KERs).
The project will be delivered by a consortium of 14 partners from 7 countries.

Funded by the European Union. This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101136186.
Project facts
- Project name: THermochemical storage Utilization eNabling Data centre seasonal Energy Recovery (THUNDER)
- Budget: 7,2 milllion Euro
- Financier: The European Union through the Horizon Europe programme.
- Partners: RINA-C, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Euroheat & Power, UBE, ABILIX, SETECHCO, 3SI, STEELTECH, UNIFI, UNIGE, HIREF, Veolia Spain, CARTIF, PCM (AP)
- Period: 2024 - 2028