Environmental advisor to Indian government
Within a four-year Europe Aid project, IVL has been appointed environmental advisor to India’s Ministry of Environment. IVL’s role is to develop cooperation between the EU and India in environmental technology and to introduce smart, resource-efficient solutions that can help India reduce its emissions and manage limited resources. The focus will primarily be on waste and water management issues.
The Indian economy is expanding rapidly, but at the same time India is one of the world´s biggest polluters with large impact on climate change. There is an increasing need for smart solutions, strategic research and partnerships with industry. The EU has adopted a strategy designed to boost research exchanges with India, but also to promote the deployment of European solutions within the fields of clean technology, energy, transport and biotechnology.
Both the technological and the institutional capacity need to be upgraded at India’s government agencies if they are to create a favourable environment that promotes renewable energy and clean technology. It’s also important to raise awareness of environmental issues, among both public- and private-sector stakeholders, and among the public at large.
The project is being conducted in partnership with India’s Shriram Institute for Industrial Research (SRI) and the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The idea is to exploit both local know-how and EU expertise to promote the utilisation of eco-friendly energy sources, energy efficiency and clean technologies.