Schools involved in International project to reduce e-waste
IVL Swedish Environmental Institute participates in the international E-Mining @ schools project, which will run through 2018 until the end of 2019. The project is a pedagogic initiative to engage and raise student awareness of environmental issues around electric and electronic waste and the recycling of rare earth metals.
Participating classes were able to meet environmental scientists and visit facilities and laboratories working with e-recycling. Assisted by our experts, students organized local waste collection as part of an international competition.
The educational activities that the schools can participate in include:
- creating and running campaigns to engage schools in ramping up recycling efforts
- reviewing high-quality educational material, lectures and a social web-based education platform
Web-based education platform
Students are given the opportunity to participate in an online education platform for social engagement where they can share experiences of the project.
Voluntary innovation competition
How can we increase the collection of electronic waste? The students who were interested were given the opportunity to participate in a voluntary competition between schools (both national and international). A school in Lund and Lund's sewage treatment plant helped with the collection.
Project facts
- E-mining@school
- Budget: 600,000 EUR
- Financed by: European EIT RawMaterials Knowledge & Innovation Community (KIC)
- Partners: ACS Recycling electronics de Catalunya, Circularise, General Council of the Catalan, Chambers of Commerce, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Hub Innovazione Trentino S.c.a.r.l. (HIT), Consiglio, Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Relight S.R.L., EIT Raw Materials GmbH, University of Limerick, Università degli Studi di Trento
- Period: 2018 - 2019