Emissions to the air
Where does air pollution come from, and how can we best reduce these emissions? To find out which pollutants are in the air and where they come from, IVL uses a number of measurement methods and monitoring strategies.
Emissions to the air come mainly from road traffic, industry, heating, marine transport and work vehicles. Other contributing sources include small-scale woodburning, oil-powered boiler houses and domestic boilers. Moreover, some air pollution is imported
from nearby countries and regions.
Transport contributes to several of the worst types of air pollution. Emissions from fixed sources come primarily from industries and other large facilities.
Air researchers from around the world meet in Gothenburg
In mid-March, researchers, experts and negotiators from around the world will meet in Gothenburg for the seventh Saltsjöbaden Clean Air Workshop. Over three days there will be workshops and discussions about how we can improve the world's air quality.