Mistra SafeChem takes part in seminar on resource efficiency and circularity
In 2024, the research financier Mistra celebrates its 30th anniversary with a tour around the country, highlighting the societal importance of research. Mistra SafeChem is one of the speakers in the Gothenburg seminar.
At the first Mistra tour stop in Skellefteå on February 1, electrification was in focus. At the second, in Gothenburg on March 12, resource efficiency and circular economy will be on the agenda.
The pathway to a circular society incorporates everything from new materials, techniques and business models to changed consumer behaviours and critical incentives, Mistra states in its information about this tour stop.
– From Mistra SafeChem, we will highlight the importance of safe molecules and materials in the green transition, says programme director John Munthe.
– We will present the Mistra SafeChem toolbox and discuss how this research has become even more relevant to support the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. In addition, we will talk about challenges and opportunities in the value chains, the importance of transparency in data, what is required to make a good life cycle analysis and why it is so smart to be ahead.
The last tour stop will be in Lund on April 9, and Mistra will conclude with an anniversary conference in Stockholm on September 12.
Places are limited at the seminar in Gothenburg, contact Mistra if you are interested in participating.
Read more on the Mistra website. External link, opens in new window.