Four more years – Mistra SafeChem gets go-ahead for second phase
The work of Mistra SafeChem will continue for another four years. The financier Mistra has decided to support the research with up to SEK 70 million.
– This decision further enhances our ability to contribute to safe and sustainable chemicals and materials, says programme manager John Munthe, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
Mistra SafeChem received funding from Mistra in 2019 and started its first phase the following year. After evaluation by an international panel of experts, Mistra’s board has now decided to fund a second phase that starts in July 2024 and will run until 2028.
Well aligned with the EU chemicals strategy
Shortly after Mistra SafeChem started, the EU launched its chemicals strategy. The programme is well aligned with that strategy and specifically the work known as Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD). There, the EU’s Joint Research Centre has developed a framework to be used to promote the development of safe and sustainable chemicals and materials.
In phase 2, Mistra SafeChem will include several activities that focus on developing methods and tools for the chemical industry's application of SSbD in its operations.
– The work on implementing the EU chemicals strategy means that our research will be of great interest to industry. The industry association IKEM, Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden, has started working on a roadmap on both the climate challenge and the EU chemicals strategy. We believe that this will lead to a growing interest in our research and that we will gain good knowledge of the chemical industry's need for new knowledge and new tools, says John Munthe.
Multidisciplinary collaboration is key
An important aspect of Mistra SafeChem is the cooperation of different disciplines. In phase 2, the multidisciplinary approach is intensified in five case studies. The programme will work on innovative industrial production processes for chemicals and materials without hazardous properties, based on catalysis/biocatalysis and including renewable raw materials and recycling for reduced impact on humans and the environment.
Earlier in 2024, Mistra SafeChem launched a toolbox containing the combined results of four years of research. It describes 37 different methods and processes that can be used in the further development of new chemicals, materials and products. Many of them are available outside the programme, while others are still under development. In phase 2, the toolbox will grow and become even more accessible to chemical industry practitioners.
New research and industry partners
– Phase 2 will continue everything we have achieved in phase 1 of Mistra SafeChem, but also an expansion with new research and industry partners.
The Mistra SafeChem consortium for phase 2 includes IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, RISE, Stockholm University, KTH, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Uppsala University, as well as nine industrial partners: AstraZeneca, BASF, Cambrex, EnginZyme, Merck, Nouryon, Perstorp Innovation, RenFuel and Stockholm Vatten och Avfall.