Proceedings and Special Issues
On this page you can download the TAP and SE conference Proceedings and see information on the conference Special Issues in scientific journals.
Conference proceedings
Conference proceedings include extended abstracts submitted for publication and short abstracts for all other presentations.
Special issues in scientific journals connected to the TAP and SE conference
The special issues (SI) are now opened:
Atmosphere: Transport Emissions and Their Environmental Impacts (mdpi) External link, opens in new window.
The Special issue is opened both for conference papers and for other papers in the topic of the SI, please check on the SI’s website. If you intend to publish a conference paper, please, submit a short abstract to tapase@ivl.se by December 18, 2023. We have obtained a number of fee-waivers which will be distributed to the conference contributions, the abstracts will be used to plan the distribution and work of the editorial board. Manuscript submission deadline is 30 June 2024 and submission of the manuscripts is handled through the journal’s website.
Atmospheric Environment: X: Transport and Air Pollution, Shipping and Environment (Elsevier) External link, opens in new window.
The Special issue is opened both for conference papers and for other papers in the topic of the SI, please check on the SI’s website. If you intend to publish a conference paper, please submit a short abstract to tapase@ivl.se by December 18, 2023, the abstracts will be used to plan the work of the editorial board. Manuscript submission deadline is 31 March 2024 and submission of the manuscripts is handled through the journal’s website. We have obtained full fee waiver for all publications in this SI.
Frontiers in Marine Science: Shipping Pressures and Impacts on the Marine Environment (Frontiers External link, opens in new window.)
The Special issue is opened both for conference papers and for other papers in the topic of the SI. Manuscript Submission Deadline is 29th March 2024. Frontiers applies a policy where authors and institutions with insufficient funding are eligible for receiving discounts to their article processing charges, for details visit www.frontiersin.org. External link, opens in new window.