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  4. Policy lab for climate adaptation contracts
Exempel på klimatanpassning med blågröna lösningar i bostadsområdet Augustenborg i Malmö. Fastigheter som tidigare ofta drabbades av översvämningar från ett överfyllt avloppssystem har förnyats med dräneringssystem inklusive vattenkanaler och fördröjningsdammar som leder bort regnvatten.

Policy lab for climate adaptation contracts

Adaptation co-action is an applied research project on climate adaptation measures in existing urban areas, led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. The project designs and tests a collaborative model with local contracts aimed at ensuring the implementation of nature-based climate adaptation measures in Malmö.

Adaptation co-action is carried out in collaboration between policy and climate adaptation researchers at IVL and Linköping University, the knowledge center Green Roof Institute, officials from the City of Malmö, property owners in Malmö, and insurance companies.

The collaboration takes the form of a 'policy lab' where joint deep dives into knowledge about nature-based and site-specific climate adaptation measures are combined with insights into the authority, responsibility, and economic evaluation of climate risks and measures from different stakeholders. The 'lab' is used to test various designs of local climate adaptation contracts. In addition to possible contract models, the project aims to provide decision-makers with knowledge about responsibility and actions for climate adaptation of existing urban areas.

Project facts

  • Project name: Policy Lab for Climate Adaptation Contracts in Malmö
  • Budget: 4 731 874 SEK
  • Funding: Formas
  • Partners: City of Malmö, Linköpings University, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, Scandinavian Green Roof Institute, BID Malmö, HSB, Wihlborgs property, MKB property, Stiftelsen Länsförsäkringsgruppens Forsknings- & Utvecklingsfond.
  • Period: 2024 - 2025

Contributes to the UN Global Goals

  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities